It’s here! Our winter issue is now available – click on the link below the cover photo to read issue 17-1.

We are truly pleased to offer a diverse group of poetic voices and hope you find something that lodges itself in your head or your heart. We welcome poets new to us as well as old friends who never fail to make us think. Enjoy this first issue of 2017. Know what else? This is our very first edition that you can purchase in print! It’s available on Amazon here.
We are also pleased to announce that, along with our regular submissions which are now open until March 15, we have a themed call for submissions in honor of our April 2017 second anniversary issue:
“Planting Ourselves” – In the moving, transient world, how do you plant yourself? Do you plant yourself in place or are you a tumbleweed who scatters bits over a wide area? Are your roots shallow or deep? Are you a perennial or an annual? Must you be carried to a new place via a power other than your own? Dig deeply. Unearth your own gems.
The themed call for submissions honors our usual guidelines regarding previous publication and number of submissions, among other things. Please read the complete guidelines before any submissions, themed or regular.
Thank you for being part of the Gyroscope Review community of readers, writers, and poetry-lovers. We wish you all the best in this new year.