Our Winter Solstice Offering – UPDATE!

As we move toward the longest night of the year, what better time to settle in with some poetry to go with your hot chocolate? Your glass of wine by the fire? Your mug of coffee, warmth spreading from your first swallow?

We have just the thing. And maybe you’ll want to share a copy with someone on your gift list. The year-end anthology is in the works, friends. We have compiled all four issues for the year into one giant edition.  Groundhogs, Crones, & Other Poems will be available through Amazon starting this weekend for $20. That’s a big discount over buying our individual issues for the year and we hope that you find it just too enticing to pass up. Because this issue is so large, we are not offering a PDF version. It will be available in print only, ready for its place on your bookshelf or, better yet, in your hands open to your favorite poem. At the time of this writing, we don’t have the link yet, but a search for Gyroscope Review Groundhogs, Crones, & Other Poems on Amazon will bring you to the right place. In fact, here’s a link to our available selections as of right this minute: 

Gyroscope on Amazon

Happy holidays, everyone. Thank you for reading.

UPDATE! UPDATE! We now have the link to purchase the special year-end anthology, Groundhogs, Crones, & Other Poems below: