It’s the 25th Anniversary of National Poetry Month, and Gyroscope Review is ready to celebrate!
What’s New
For the month of April, we will be featuring 30 past Gyroscope Review Poets and promoting their work.
Look for upcoming and recent books, links to purchase, audio files where you can hear a poet read a favorite poem, and answers to questions including “What was your publication journey like?”
Drop by every day in April to read all about a new poet, their current or upcoming books, and connect with them through social media links. Additionally, we’ll feature a couple of our fellow poetry magazines you may not have heard of yet.
We’re excited to give our poets the spotlight. Find some new favorites in our ranks. Promote each other, we’re family.
Remember, Gyroscope Review opens for submissions for the Summer 2021 Issue on April 1st also. No theme, just send us fine, contemporary poetry. It’s going to be a busy month!
Promopalooza begins April 1st!
A few links to get you started
Poets.org has a list of things for you to do during National Poetry Month
A history of National Poetry Month
16 Resources for National Poetry Month
Past Gyroscope Review NPM events
2020 Poet of the Day interviews start HERE
2019 Poets Read event starts HERE with audio recordings of our poets and videos on YouTube
2018 Poetry Interview Series starts HERE