L.Shapley Bassen
Your Chapbook or Book Title, Press, Where available for sale.
WHAT SUITS A NUDIST – Clare Songbirds Publishing
What inspired you to write this Chapbook/Book? What else should we know about it? Or just add the Blurb.
It’s my first collection over decades of publication. I hadn’t put anything together before.
What was your journey to publication like?
Like a jellyfish evolving into a dolphin, I hope. An early publication in The American Scholar prompted someone I never met/knew to ask AS to get me to sign the copy he was ordering. I had many poems published over the years, and then people started asking me to review their books, plus editors asked me to write poetry reviews [The Rumpus, for one]. I was honored to be asked to review Tess Gallagher’s “definitive collection” MIDNIGHT LANTERN, for another.
Any upcoming Chapbook/Book releases? Upcoming poems in magazines?
I’ve been sending out AIRBORNE … also have one titled BRONZE.
4 new poems just appeared in albanypoets@gmail.com https://albanypoets.com/2021/02/four-poems-l-shapley-bassen/
Your Website and Social Media Links.
Any poets or books that inspired your writing?
Ah, where to begin. William Blake, Emily D., Wallace Stevens … too many current ones to start …
Who are you currently reading?
Jodi Picoult:novel THE BOOK OF TWO WAYS … poetry: in translation, Anna Akhmatova 2006 Selected Poems (trans D. M. Thomas) I think D.M. Thomas’s THE WHITE HOTEL is one of the greatest novels of the 20th c.
Pay it Forward – Promote your favorite Charity, tell us why you love it, add a link.
PWS – my niece’s daughter was born w/this genetic syndrome … great research is being done on gene & other therapies … They say Jabba the Hut evidences its symptoms, but all the children I’ve seen are triumphing over its limitations in astonishing, inspiring ways. The 8-year old I know just ran a 5K with her mother!
Promopalooza every day at Gyroscope Review for National Poetry Month. Check back tomorrow for another poet interview.
Past Interviews
April 1 – Alison Stone
April 2 – Jessica Barksdale Inclan
April 3 – Maureen Sherbondy
April 4 – William Rector
April 5 – Carolyn Martin
April 6 – Lucy Griffith
April 7 – Better Than Starbucks
April 8 – Marjorie Becker
April 9 – Karen Arnold
April 10 – Sheree La Puma
April 11 – Sherry Rind
April 12 – Gloria Heffernan
April 13 – Kristian Macaron
April 14 – Martin Willits Jr.
April 15- George Longenecker
April 16 – Tresha Faye Haefner