Suzanne Edison bio
Suzanne Edison writes often about the intersection of illness, healing, medicine, and art. Her first full length book, Since the House Is Burning, is forthcoming in 2022 from MoonPath Press. Her chapbook, The Body Lives Its Undoing, was published by Benaroya Research Institute in 2018. Poetry can be found in: Michigan Quarterly Review; JAMA; HEAL; Persimmon Tree; SWWIM; Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine; Naugatuck River Review; What Rough Beast; The Ekphrastic Review, and in several anthologies including: Face to Face: Women Writers on Faith, Mysticism and Awakening and The Healing Art of Writing, Volume One. Suzanne is a Hedgebrook Women Writers Retreat 2019 alum and teaches writing workshops through UCSF Chronic Illness Center in San Francisco and at Richard Hugo House in Seattle, where she lives with her husband and two cats.
Website: https://www.seedison.com
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