My Mother’s Superstitions (Bleigiessen) by Claudia Reder We were educated and superstitious, adoring black cats, uneasy about walking under ladders, yet climbing the rickety flight of steps to hear our tea leaves read. On New Year’s Eve platters adorned with marzipan pigs and Linzer torte, we’d spoon small amounts of melted lead into a bowl of cold water, then divine the shape and interpret its shadow. One New Year’s she said that her lead was shaped like a coffin. Mine, a train, or bus. Her choice of words didn’t surprise. She had always kept company with death, some years courting it more than others, She is still fleeing Riga, tucking small valuables into brown paper bags. She wears panic as an impeccable piece of clothing, familiar with it since a young age. Her stories like tiny gems sewn into our dress hems.
Origin Stories – My Mother’s Superstitions (Bleigiessen)
This poem has lived in me for a long time. I had wanted to write about Bleigiessen, a German New Year’s tradition my mother always participated in with me because I found it strange. My mother wasn’t superstitious per se. She was more sardonic and pragmatic. However, over time I realized that the poem wasn’t about that alone, the poem included a larger story of secrets. My mother fled Riga, Latvia in 1939-1940 and although she created a new life for herself some things were never talked about and yet, not forgotten. These things live in our bodies. Her love for German pastries and New Year’s were shared with me. But she wouldn’t talk about anything else. When I asked her what she had loved about Riga she said, “Riga Beach. It had the whitest sand.” Originally this was a two-page poem/story. Over time I realized what was important to keep and what could be saved for other writings.

Claudia M. Reder is the author of How to Disappear, a poetic memoir, (Blue Light Press, 2019). Uncertain Earth (Finishing Line Press), and My Father & Miro (Bright Hill Press). How to Disappear was awarded first prize in the Pinnacle and Feathered Quill awards. She was awarded the Charlotte Newberger Poetry Prize from Lilith Magazine, and two literary fellowships from the Pennsylvania Arts Council. She attended Millay Colony, NAPA Writer’s Conference and The Valley. She recently retired from teaching at California State University at Channel Islands. Her poetry ms. Appointment with Worry was a finalist for the Inlandia Institute Hillary Gravendyk Prize.
You can find more information at:
Amazon link to my book, How to Disappear, winner of the Pinnacle and Feathered Quill Awards.
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Previous NPM celebrations from Gyroscope Review
Let the Poet Speak! 2022
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Poet of the Day 2020
Poets Read 2019
National Poetry Month Interview Series 2018
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