The 2024 Year End Anthology is now available!
The 2024 Year End Anthology contains all 4 issues of Gyroscope Review for 2024 at half the price—Winter, Spring, Summer, and the Fall Crone Power Issue. The anthology includes over 200 poets from around the world and covers a wide variety of fine, contemporary poems ranging from the traditional to the innovative. Heartfelt, reflective, or snarky, we’ve got a poem to fit your mood. The Fall Crone Power Issue section features an amazing array of poetry by female poets over the age of fifty. At over 280 pages, there is plenty of reading material for you to enjoy, and just in time for the Holidays!
Only available in paperback or e-book.
Available from Amazon — Paperback or Kindle e-book
Anthology Poets Included:
Winter 2024 Issue
Lavina Blossom, Jude Brigley, Chip Brosius, Rohan Buettel, Sarah Carleton, RT Castleberry, Maureen Clark, David Colodney, Joe Cottonwood, John Cruze, Marc Di Martino, Margie Duncan, Lynn Gilbert, Jeremy Griffin, Richard Hague, Abdullah Jimoh, Wess Mongo Jolley, Molly Lanzarotta, Samantha MacIlwaine, Natalie Marino, Michelle Miller, Elaine Mintzer, Robbi Nester, Yoda Olinyk, Shaun Pankoski, T R Poulson, Bonnie Proudfoot, Sarah Rae, Sourima Rana, E Rhyme, Laurie Rosen, Mary Rummel, Susan Sailer, Michael Salcman, Peter Serchuk, Merna Skinner, Emily-Sue Sloane, Connie Soper, Dianne Stepp, Ralph Stevens, Eugene Stevenson, Alison Stone, Rowan Tate, Judith Taylor, Dawn Terpstra, Ruth Towne, Richard Westheimer, Cynthia White, Martin Willitts Jr, Shannon Winston
Spring 2024 Issue
Adrianna Gordey, Andy Macera, Angie Hexum, Ani Bachan, Ann E. Michael, Bill Schreiber, Brian Duncan, Bruce Parker, Cal Freeman, Chrissy Stegman, Christine Potter, Daniel Damiano, David A. Goodrum, David Banach, Diana Dinverno, Dick Westheimer, Donald Sellitti, Dorothy Howe Brooks, Eric Weil, Esa Bee, Genevieve Creedon, Jeff Schiff, John Beck, Juan Pablo Mobili, Julia Bucci, Karla Huston, Laura Grace Weldon, Lenny Lianne, Linda Neal, Maria Giesbrecht, Marjorie Maddox, Mark Simpson, Michael Dwayne Smith, Mona Anderson, Patty Ware, Paul Ilechko, Peggy Heitmann, Richard Jordan, Roderick Bates, Ruth Mota, Sandi Stromberg, (Shaheen Dil, Ziggy Edwards, Timons Esaias, Roberta Hatcher, Alyssa Sineni, and Arlene Weiner), Shelly Norris, Skaidrite Stelzer, Steve Brisendine, Susana Gonzales, Suzanne Edison, Terri McCord, Valerie Hastings, Vanessa Y. Niu, Zeke Shomler
Summer 2024 Issue
Amy Ash, Lisa Ashley, Lana Hechtman Ayers, Oisín Breen, Michael Brockley, Wendy Taylor Carlisle, Ann Chinnis, David Colodney, T. Cutler, Erinola E. Daranijo, Marc Alan Di Martino, Merrill Oliver Douglas, Jennifer Eagle, Alexis Rhone Fancher, Jenna Wysong Filbrun, Marianne Gambaro, Robbie Gamble, Nicholas Gentile, Tresha Faye Haefner, Pat Hanahoe-Dosch, Lois Marie Harrod, Richard Hedderman, Tom Holmes, Marcia L. Hurlow, Brian Kates, Nathalie Kuroiwa-Lewis, Tess Lecuyer, Sara Letourneau, Rachael Lyon, Judith Mikesch-McKenzie, Debasish Mishra, Linda Parsons, Tina Posner, Thomas Riley, Laurie Rosen, Russell Rowland, Amanda Russell, Kristy Snedden, George Steele, Francesca Tangreti, Bethany Tap, M. Benjamin Thorne, Terry Trowbridge, Rekha Valliappan, Susan Vespoli, Arlene Weiner, Robert Wexelblatt, Brandy Whitlock, Jonathan Yungkans
Fall 2024 Crone Power Issue
Carol Barrett, L. Shapley Bassen, Mandy Beattie, Terry Hall Bodine, Francesca Brenner, Jayne Relaford Brown, Sarah Carleton, Linda Carney-Goodrich, Ann Chinnis, Maureen Clark, Gail Braune Comorat, Robin Dellabough, Shaheen Dil, Catherine Edmunds, Helen Finney, Serena Fusek, Elizabeth Gauffreau, Mureall Hebert, Michelle Holland, Jennifer Randall Hotz, Melissa Huff, Alison Hurwitz, Darlene M. Javar, Heidi Joffe, Jodi Keene, Tricia Knoll, Susan Kress, Christine Anna Marie, Carolyn Martin, Seretta Martin, Kathleen McClung, Kathy McGoldrick, Mary Padgen Michna, Elaine Mintzer, Nancy Murphy, Karen Neuberg, Suzanne O’Connell, Kathy O’Fallon, jane putnam perry, Marge Piercy, Louhi Pohjola, Sharon Pretti, Donna Pucciani, Lizzie Purkis, Lynette Reini-Grandell, Lisa Seidenberg, Amy Smith, Jessica D. Thompson, Kellie Wells, Colette McHale Wisnewski, Lori Zavada.
Submissions open January 15th, 2025 for the Spring 10th Anniversary Issue